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Japanese Godzilla fans think the new reboot's monster is "too fat"

Japanese fans of the monster think being in the US has “super-sized” him.

GODZILLA? MORE LIKE Fatzilla, if the opinions of these fans are anything to go by.

Japanese fans of Godzilla say the newly-unveiled monster, set to star in a Hollywood reboot of the classic films, is too fat.

They claim poor Godzilla has been “super-sized” by a country used to large portions.

Japan Daily Life A Godzilla statue (and cute dog) in Tokyo Source: AP/Press Association Images

The reboot will hit 3D cinemas on 16 May and in Japan two months later – this year is the 60th anniversary of the original 1954 film Godzilla, King of Monsters.

Japanese fans that have seen the trailer of the new film said their hero was looking a little chubby.

Fumihiko Abe, who said he has seen every Godzilla film ever made, told AFP:

Only the silhouette of the new Godzilla had been seen before. When I finally saw it, I was a bit taken aback. It’s fat from the neck downwards and massive at the bottom.

Source: Godzilla/YouTube

Back in 1954, Godzilla was a 200 pound latex suit that left the actor inside breathless and soaked in sweat.

Other fans discussing the new movie online say the new creation looks more like a seal. Another dubbed it “marshmallow Godzilla”, with more saying:

It’s done a ‘super-size me’.
It’s true that you gain weight in America. It’s a calorie monster.

Stop that, you guys. You’re hurting Godzilla’s feelings.

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