STOP THE PRESSES, everybody.
The New York Times has made an important discovery.
Brace yourselves…
Yes, The New York Times has just discovered sausage rolls.
The newspaper shared a recipe for homemade sausage rolls and gave its readers a little background to the greasy delicacy.
Though the concept of sausage wrapped in pastry exists in every cuisine in one way or another, the British have claimed sausage rolls as their own. They are always welcome, especially at holiday time.
Boxing Day, a national holiday in Britain, celebrates the traditional post-Christmas servants’ day off, when upper-class families were forced to fend for themselves and subsist for a day on a lavish buffet of leftover feasts from the week. Sausage rolls are often part of the spread.
What follows is a recipe for very fancy sausage rolls altogether. Among the ingredients? Nutmeg, sage and thyme.
A far cry from the sausage rolls you buy from Spar, so.
Lots of people have expressed surprise that sausage rolls aren’t a thing in America.
“Is it rolled sausage?”
Indeed, this Ask Reddit thread from yesterday shows that a lot of Americans are pretty ignorant when it comes to sausage rolls.
Here are just some of the responses…
I have not but I need to from the looks of that. Where can I get one?
Never. Looks good though. Is the sausage ground or is it a link?
I’ve seen a sausage roll, but I caught it before it fell off the counter.
Guys, we think this could be the start of a beautiful friendship…