Dublin: 9 °C Saturday 1 March, 2025

Mullingar's Niall Horan banknotes go on sale

Cash what makes you beautiful.

gar Source: Mullingar Chamber of Commerce

A SPECIAL PRINT run of 10,000 Niall Horan banknotes has gone on sale from his home town of Mullingar in Co Westmeath.

The One Direction singer’s face has been printed on a limited edition version of Mullingar’s very own ‘Gar’ banknote.

The town’s chamber of commerce says that the notes are printed as part of an effort to “encourage people into Mullingar”.

The Gar isn’t legal tender, but it does offer the bearer a discount in some shops around the town. According to the Westmeath Examiner there has been interest from One Direction fans all over the world.

For €9.99 collectors will get their hands on two Niall Horan Gars in a commemorative folder, with postage and packaging included.

Now, how many Gars will a three-in-one and a  bottle of TK Red Lemonade set us back?

Read: Niall Horan says yes to Mullingar museum in his honour>

Well, he’s done it… last night was the best Graham Norton show EVER>

About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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