Dublin: 3 °C Wednesday 12 March, 2025

QUIZ: How to tell if you were out last night

We’d better check, just to make sure.

1. Wrap it up

Did you wake up still wearing your shoes and coat from the night before?

Image: Doblelol

2. The paper trail

Do you have receipts from at least four different establishments shoved haphazardly in your wallet?

Image: Flickr/Annie Mole

3. The Who

Is there a stranger slumbering on your couch? Bonus points if you can’t even name them.

Image: Daily Dawdle

4. Exhibit A

Are there remnants of a kebab or curry cheese chips on your kitchen table? Bonus points if it’s actually in bed with you.

5. Who relocated the Sahara?

Is your mouth dryer than a dusty old sandal?

Image: MemeCenter

6. Flashback to Friday

Are you occasionally getting flashbacks to last night’s dance fest and laughing out loud to yourself?

7. Carrier pigeon

Have you already phoned a friend to get all of last night’s gossip?

So… Did you have a good night last night? If you answered “yes” to more than 3 of the above, you were definitely on the batter.

Take care of yourself now, and pace yourself next time!

Read: The Guide To Curing Your Hangover>

Read: The Dublin Hangover Service has mades its first delivery>

About the author:

Fiona Hyde

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