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18 things anyone who's been out in Carlow will understand

Hup the town.

CARLOW TOWN, IT’S only some craic.

1. Your night out in Carlow begins with a full blown argument about where to go

A rainy cold Carlow Town! Roaming the streets where my grandmother lived once upon a time! Quite an incredible day Source: healthcoachrobs

2.  The Foundry is the end goal

… and you have to tell at least one stranger that it’s the biggest nite club in Ireland, even if you’re not quite sure that it is.

386346_514691158557729_1136225633_n Source: The Foundry Nightclub

3. But you NEVER go there first

It doesn’t open until half eleven and everyone knows you have to be drunk before you get there.

4. Tully’s is full of students … which makes it the perfect predrinking destination

5. And you’ve made some excellent friends in the toilets

6. You’ve definitely messed in the fountain at some point

7. And been in the photobooth in Scraggs

8. But you know that the best craic is in The Tavern

1000314_10151539818861431_883196793_n Source: Facebook

9. Everyone gets super dressed up


10. Because they were meeting a Geordie Shore cast member in the Temple

485150_399948583433636_1967149749_n Source: TheTempleVenueNightlclub

11. The Med Bar is the place to be if you’re feeling fancy

12. You’ve often been to all the above mentioned places in one night, and you know it’s definitely not possible to avoid at least one of them on a night out

That’s just how they do it in Carlow.

Tower-inside-web-banner Source: Dinnri

13. You definitely have witnessed, started, or taken part in a dispute outside Supermacs

You don’t call it Superslaps for nothing.

carlow_supermacs-469x303 Source: Supermacs

14. The Roadhouse is yer only man for food after a night out in Carlow

Except you’ve left most of it behind.

The Road House cafe in Carlow town- an old favourite Source: laurcw

15. You’ve sampled an amazing 3 in 1 in Wang’s

423356_199664730135773_143330007_n Source: Wang's, Facebook

16. Getting kicked out of a venue is no problem once you return after a quick soak up in the Roadhouse

Or you’ll just get barred, again.

17. Everyone is convinced you can get a late drink

You can’t.

tumblr_lw7qf2kR7Z1ql5yr7o1_400 Source: Tumblr

18. Getting a taxi on a weekend is hell

Why does EVERYONE WANT THE SAME ONE? You’ve queued for about four hours at least once.

New Taxi branding. Minsiter of State a Source: Laura Hutton, Rolling News

A Carlow farmer wore some interesting headgear on this evening’s news>

Doesn’t Carlow look only gorgeous in this drone footage?

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