THE WORKMAN’S CLUB in Dublin is a thoroughly decent spot for a night out – so naturally it’s been at the centre of many a gas tale.
But there is one anecdote emerging from last night that beats them all, hands down.
Like all of the best stories, it started with an innocent question
Reddit user GOR31LLY (in green) told that he received the Facebook messages from his friend Karl today - and if you want to click on the link, just be warned that it’s VERY NSFW.
Within hours of uploading it to /r/ireland, the story has hit the front page of Reddit and has been viewed by tens thousands of people.
It tells the story of Karl walking into the jacks in The Workman’s
Then, things get even more surreal
Now, usually you would view such tales with a lot of skepticism – but the following photo was provided by Karl that proves the story to be 100% true
The original on Imgur is more NSFW and features the lads’ faces in unblurred form.
It’s the smoking gun that such an anecdote needed – confirming the presence of:
- the Aran jumper
- the flute
- the tin whistle
- the setting of The Workman’s jacks
This one is going down in the annals of Irish internet history.
What a story. Well played, everyone.