THE NIGHTMARE REALM scare house has been open in Dublin and Cork for a couple of weeks now - and their Facebook page is an absolute delight.
Mostly because it’s packed full of poor crayturs having the shite scared out of them:
1. They have a daily “Fear Pics of the Day” album
2. Capturing the exact moment of horror
3. Would you look
4. The fear is real
5. “What the HELL is that?”
6. The classic “why am I here?” face
7. Every facial expression is worth documenting for comedy purposes
10. Putting your hand on your friend’s shoulder is only making things worse lads
11. “Let’s huddle here ’til morning, be grand”
12. Staring into the abyss
13. There’s always one who can handle the fear like a pro
14. “Come on lads, let’s get the f**k out of here”
15. The tortured face says more than words ever could