THERE IS ABSOLUTELY no escaping the ice bucket challenge. Deal with it. Your nomination is imminent.
1. Frantic scrolling through ALL of your Facebook friends doing it, wondering when it’s all going to end
Never. That’s when.
2. Getting that horrible notification, you just KNOW is your nomination
“You have been tagged in [insert cretin friend here]‘s post.”
3. Cursing the day the person who nominated you was born
“I nominate [YOU], you’re up, you’ve got 24 hours!”
4. Deciding whether to do it or not
- It’s for a good cause
- It’s freezing cold water
- Literally everything else about it
5. Realising you only have a day to decide this
So then start thinking of every excuse under the sun.
6. Actually HAVING TO DO IT
Where will you even get supplies?
Someone to reef it over you?
Until you finally accept it…