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10 reasons you should always read notes from kids carefully

There’s a lot we can learn.

Image: pizzacomedy

AT THE DAILYEDGE.IE, we have learned that there is a lot to be learned from kids.

They know how to let go, and really enjoy their lives, but they are also very wise.

Thus, any written correspondence with a child can be educational and revealing.

Here are ten reasons you should always read a note from a kid very carefully.

What might seem insulting initially could actually be complimenting you on a great breakfast

Via Imgur

They may make a lot of gosh darn sense


They may be braver in confronting uncomfortable situations than you are


They may contain some very helpful advice


They may be confronting a miscarriage of justice


It may contain a long awaited apology


It may reveal just how severely your actions have impacted on them

Like watching the end of a football match instead of going to the beach, for example.


They may be part of an elaborate ruse


It may be complimenting your guacamole.  And who doesn't like their guacamole being complimented?


You may learn a thing or two about talking tough


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