YESTERDAY IN GLENMADDY, Galway a Massey Ferguson tractor was spotted.
But it wasn’t any old Massey Ferguson. It had a special gag number plate:
Yes, the driver is mad for tar. He loves the roads.
Once it was posted to Imgur yesterday, everyone got on board and its views started to skyrocket.
Speaking to, the Reddit user that came across the number plate explained the reference:
It essentially means that it’s mad for road or loves driving, I laugh every time I look at it.
But he doesn’t really know who went to the trouble of putting it on there – as you can see the real one is whited out above:
Knowing the areas around here I’d say it’s an aul fellas tractor – whether he put it on himself is a different issue. It’s the transport of choice for a few people around these parts, I can think of at least five people who drive one where ever they want to go even if it’s 20km up the road holding up all the traffic.
They are mad for tar, that’s why.