Dublin: 11 °C Sunday 23 February, 2025

Obama asks House of Cards fan not to tweet spoilers at him

He’s just like us, that Obama.

THE MUCH ANTICIPATED return of political drama House of Cards has people up-in-arms with both excitement and anxiety.

Considering the whole series is now available on Netflix, the potential for spoilers is HUGE. It’s the wild west of standard television conventions.

The thriller is set in the White House, and probably hits close to home for this fan who tweeted out a plea to potential spoilees.


The US pres is a noted fan of the Netflix original, having said that he wishes “things were that ruthlessly efficient” and was even offered a cameo in the show.

He probably won’t get to binge on it for a few days, we hear he’s quite busy. C’mon Obama, get it together. We seem to remember you falling behind on Breaking Bad too.

In the same boat? Netflix Spoiler Foiler can help you out.

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