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5 photos of Barack Obama reading your email

You really shouldn’t have written that.

THERE’S A BIT of a surveillance scandal on at the moment.

If you haven’t been following it, it essentially means that Barack Obama is checking your email.*

Luckily, this Tumblr has arrived to document how he does this. Here are a few examples:

1. Obama checking the email where you lied to your mother about the reason you couldn’t go home for Sunday dinner

Screengrab: obamaischeckingyouremail.tumblr.com

2. Obama checking the soppy emails you sent when you were first together with your girlfriend

Screengrab: obamaischeckingyouremail.tumblr.com

3. Obama checking the email where you wrote “very busty” instead of “very busy”

Screengrab: obamaischeckingyouremail.tumblr.com

4. Obama checking the email where you reveal how hungover you are at work

Screengrab: obamaischeckingyouremail.tumblr.com

5. And Obama checking the email you accidentally cc’d to the whole office

Screengrab: obamaischeckingyouremail.tumblr.com

See Obama Is Checking Your Email for more.

Read: Sales of George Orwell’s ’1984’ up 6,000% since US surveillance scandal>

Here’s why you should never mess with Michelle Obama>

About the author:

Michael Freeman

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