AH, THE OFFICE. If you work in one, it’s probably where you spend the majority of your life.
That being true, it’s worth being aware of a few ground rules. These simple DOs and DON’Ts will keep you on the straight and narrow.
DO aim for a desk with a view
DON’T let anyone tell you your filing system is wrong
DO try to enjoy any interactions with everyday customers
DON’T put anything you love or treasure in the office fridge
Passive Aggressive Notes
DO write yourself fake emails to avoid talking to people in the lift
DON’T be the guy who stands silently in the middle and makes everyone else feel weird
DO avoid changing the water cooler wherever possible
DON’T fall for the media myth that water coolers are an easy place to strike up the chats
DO accept that your caffeine addiction rules you, and must be fed at all costs
DON’T overdo it before anything important
DO maintain a sense of humour about your office’s little failings
DON’T write passive-aggressive notes
DO accept that you will never get to poo in peace
DON’T ever enter the bathroom after that one person who always makes it smell really bad
Every office has one.
And men! DO be mindful of proper urinal etiquette at all times
Staring silently ahead will be fine.
DO be selective about your lunch companion
That guy who tells stories about his ring-binder collection? Not the way you want to spend 60 minutes.
But DON’T be too selective
We’ve all got to eat.
DON’T get embroiled in office prank wars
But if you have to, DO win them by any means necessary
If you’re bored, DO try and stay creative
And DON’T watch the clock
It will destroy you. Here is an accelerated time-lapse animation of the clock in your office.
Have a great day!
Did we miss any key office rules? Let us know in the comments…