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8 struggles everyone who has tried online dating knows all too well

Love is a battlefield.

IT’S A BUSY TIME of the year for people looking for love – last Sunday, January 4, was hailed as the biggest night for online dating for all of 2015.

Veterans of the online dating scene know it’s can be tough going – and that’s before you even find an actual date. Take, for example, these eight struggles that everyone who’s tried online dating will be very familiar with.

1. Trying to make yourself sound interesting is hard

All you can think of is:


2. For every interesting profile, there are 50 terrible ones

Like we said, it’s hard to write a good profile.

But ”I love going out with friends, but I also like staying in to watch a film or read a good book” says nothing other than “I like being a human being”.

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3. Dealing with ‘creative’ introductions

Remember when people used to just say ‘hi’?

4. Your friends asking you if it’s weird

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It’s not ‘weird’! YOU’RE weird!

5. Being on the receiving end of some misplaced ‘charm’

Some people just don’t like their creepy advances being ignored. You’ll learn that, very quickly.

Regram from our sister in the fight against #tinder creepazoids, Alison Stevenson @justaboutglad Source: byefelipe

6. Swiping left too fast = The Worst

Creeping absent-mindedly through Tinder, not really paying attention, then swiping left on an absolute RIDE.

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We’ve all been there.

7. ‘Catfishing’ is a very real concern

catfish_tv_show__span Source: Badass Digest

MTV and Nev Schulman have made us paranoid. Cheers, lads.

8. And the nervous breakdown before an actual, real-life date

giphy Source: Giphy

It’s hard to keep in mind as you try to navigate dating apps and websites, but the real aim of the game is to eventually meet someone face to face. And speak words to them.

*frantically thinks of an excuse to cancel*

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