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Open thread: What TV shows would you like back for one more season?

We need closure.

THERE ARE SOME things we just can’t let go.

Wouldn’t we all kill for another series of the TV show we love? A chance to see all those old friendly faces again?

An extra series would be like a bonus week on holidays or a day added to the weekend, but one that we could get to keep and watch forever on DVD.

My So-Called Life

Bring back Angela Chase and Rayanne Graff!

Image: Screened

And while you’re at it we’ll take Jordan Catalano back too. Yeow.

The Wire

Image: via What Fresh Hell Is This

Each season of The Wire was set in disparate communities within Baltimore, so another season isn’t beyond the realms of possibility.

Or at least that’s what we keep telling ourselves.


Firefly was ripped away from us all too soon. Cancelled before its time.

Image: via The TV Watchtower

Luckily, Joss Whedon went on to make Buffy. But now that we mention it, we want another series of that too!

The Killing

Is there anything worse than an unsatisfying end to a much-adored series?

Image: via Crime Time Preview

Let us fix this. Bring us back Lund and we can fix this.

The Sopranos

These GIFs illustrate exactly why we need more Tony and Carmela Soprano in our life.


Oh, Biddy come back.


Sunday nights have never been the same since the dulcet tones of the Glenroe theme tune left our lives for good.

We’d even take a Christmas special. Something. Anything. Just one more hit.


We’ve spoken about what a contemporary series of Friends might look like before and how the gang might have fared ten years on.

Image: Lance Staedler/NBC/Zuma/allaction.co.uk /EMPICS Entertainment

Would you watch it?

The West Wing

The West Wing gave us awesome lines like this one….

It’s hard not to be wistful about CJ and co making a triumphant return to the Oval Office.

Freaks and Geeks

The Judd Apatow original. Judd has given us a lot of laughs in his later career, but Freaks and Geeks is a TV show that delights more with each watching.

Image: via Curator

And what a cast. One more tune, Judd!

Pushing Daisies

Another programme that was unjustly cancelled before its time. A twee, camp and fun show that could have been incredible if let run its course properly.

Image: via Fan Pop

We’ll never forgive ABC for taking Anna Friel away from us like this.

Be careful what you wish for…

Some programmes deserve one last spin of the wheel. We were delighted to see the Seinfeld crew reunite in Curb Your Enthusiasm, and we did a cheer of joy to hear Arrested Development was coming back on Netflix.

But some things should just stay gone.

Sex And The City went out on a high, yet the subsequent movies tarnished the whole thing. The second season of Twin Peaks was a bitter disappointment.

And while we’re at it, The Simpsons should have stopped a long time ago.

What TV series would you love to resurrect for one last hurrah? And what shows should just stay gone? Let us know in the comments!

Open thread: Are you a big tipper? >

Read: Ghostbusters 3 is a real thing and here’s what Dan Akroyd says it’ll be like >

About the author:

Fiona Hyde

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