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18 memories of the Ozone everyone who was ever there will recognise

Goin O 2nite?

Originally published: November 14, 2015

THERE WERE EMOTIONAL scenes yesterday when the Liffey Champion shared a photo of the old Zinc nightclub being demolished in Leixlip. So today, let us remember all the good times down the Ozone, RIP. 

aozon2 Source: Ryevale

The club ran through most of the noughties until it was changed to Zinc in 2009. It closed down completely in 2012 and we’re still not over it. If you were a regular back in the day, you’ll remember…

1. Refusing to call it Zinc

NO. It’s the Ozone.


2. Heading to the Loft for a few pre-drinks

Only the most enthusiastic arrived as the doors opened at half 10, with a few Darkies bottles in them. If you’re lucky you’d catch the bartenders walking over to open up shop.

1 Source: Irishtourist

3. Getting dropped off in a taxi right beside the queue


azinc2 Source: Google maps

4. Going down the shitty hall to get to the smoking area

You literally walked into a shed and it held the best craic you could have in the O.

asmokingarea Source: Houls 69

5. Constantly forgetting your Ozone card

The holy grail of the Ozone AND it came with free entry, get in.


6. Scoping out the little high stools by the DJ booth

The best place to sit, simply because they were near the back bar and the dancefloor. Don’t tell us you never climbed under the little gap after a few fat frogs.


7. The grim decoration

In the Ozone, it was bubbles. In Zinc, it was a bunch of lads underwater. Great job, guys.

8. The floor around the dancefloor was constantly sticky

And you’d notice it as you did a lap to see if anyone you wanted to score was in the vicinity.

248365_222577394432936_1493855_n Source: Facebook

9. This song constantly playing as you walked in

Source: ClubEXPRESS/YouTube

Followed by this:

Source: iMarkDD/YouTube

10. The illusive ‘upstairs’

Oh upstairs, what do you contain?


11. Getting in a fight with Teresa because you wouldn’t put your coat in

The mammy of the Ozone wouldn’t let you off with a BIT and aren’t you thankful now?

3-part-paper-coat-room-checks-1000-box Source: Webstaurantstore

12. Back to the Ozone on Thursday nights

Consistently sparse with NUIM students, but it was all worth it for that last hour of 80s hits.

aozone Source: Nicola Byrne, DailyEdge.ie

13. Attempting to get money out of the lobby ATM at midnight on a Thursday


shutterstock_173293238-752x501 Source: Shutterstock

14. When they introduced the over 21s bar and you were only ragin’

Nobody who is 21 even goes here! Let us at the secret bar.


15. You knew things were going south when these deals came in

281813_248838658473476_3769442_n Source: Zinc Facebook

The rumours it was becoming an Aldi would just NOT END.

16. The shortlived hotdog and burger stand

It was opposite the cloakroom and ran by the barman Jack.

j712act-11761_3 Source: Aladdintemprite

17. The absolute bang of the river when you’d leave

Nobody will ever forget. From hot sweaty stuffy air, to freezing farty mouldy air.

abang Source: Google Maps

18. No night was complete without going to Sam’s

… to buy a spiceburger and chips, before sitting on the benches outside the church to eat it and wait for a taxi.

598349_107026436105325_449521882_n Source: Sams takeaway

RIP Ozone.

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