Dublin: 8 °C Monday 24 February, 2025

People are making old paintings take selfies and the results are deadly

Brush strokes on point.

Source: Michael Schoch/museumofselfies

OLIVIA MUUS WENT to the National Gallery of Denmark in Copenhagen with a friend. For the laugh, she made a painting take a selfie.

The result was a bit great.

Source: Olivia Muus/museumofselfies

Then, she started doing it with more and more paintings.

Source: Olivia Muus/museumofselfies

Muus writes: “[I] liked how this simple thing could change their character and give their facial expression a whole new meaning.”

Source: Melishan Devrim/museumofselfies

She now runs a Tumblr, Museum of Selfies, where people are encouraged to submit their own. It’s really great.

Source: Olivia Muus/museumofselfies

(That woman’s new Facebook profiler is going to suck, though.)

More: Irish guy makes statues take selfies in Cork art gallery>

More: 19 animals that take way better selfies than you>

About the author:

Michael Freeman

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