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10 telling symptoms your festive party season is in full swing

Sleep is for the weak.

WITH ONLY 15 days until Christmas, party season is in full swing.

How can you tell?

1. You’re constantly tired

Between the dark evenings and constant mid-week late nights, you’re never even sure what time it is from 6pm onwards.

Basically, it’s always potentially bed time, but you never actually get to go to bed.

LgBD7IA Source: Imgur

2. The smell of alcohol no longer registers with you

You don’t necessarily have to be drinking it, but it’s just there in the air now. Constantly.

3. You’re eating everything in sight

The office resembles Tesco’s Christmas aisle and your new perfume is Eau-de-Pringle. Sure it’s Christmas, what harm in one more?

SURE you’ll have a mince pie.

3156929783_096c209987_b-630x420 Source: tompagenet

4. You’ve spent more on clothes for events than presents for other people

You can’t go to your partner’s Christmas party in the same rigout as the one you had on for yours. What are you, an animal?

5. Sequins and glitter will be found everywhere

Nobody notices it in your hair the next morning in work… nobody. Except everybody, and the hoover is clogged up with glittery crap. You didn’t even decorate yet.

Free Glitter Background Source: shaire productions

6. You spend ages picking menu selections instead of doing actual work

What if you change your MIND ON THE DAY? Either way, you’re sitting at your desk like this

psekO3Bh Source: Imgur

7. The commute to work each morning brings a new surprise

Artefacts of Christmas parties past. Usually puke or clothes you can’t possibly imagine how anyone could lose.

8. Instead of checking for your phone, keys and wallet in the morning, you only look for these

solpadeine plus soluble 32s Source: Wilsonspharmacyonline

9ce36a5d-7926-4b09-b6fd-ce0d7e88e0de Source: Rakuten

9. Every lunch time is full of things that don’t involve eating

Going to get your fringe cut? Pick up a secret Santa present you completely forgot about?

Bye bye relaxing lunch, it’s gotta be a spray tan in the server room again.

Made me laugh when I walked in the office this am! #partyseason @britishvogue Made me laugh when I walked in the office this am! Source: calgaryavansino

10. Weekends are actually for relaxing now

Your friends home from Australia, Canada, London, they all want to meet up to tell you about their new lives. But it has to be during the week, they have weekend plans and no work.


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