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This guy has been documenting all the passive aggressive parking notes he comes across

With gas results.

WHEN THE PARKING job is so bad that you have to leave a note, you know the situation isn’t great.

So blogger Daniel Mehmet has been documenting the best ones he has found around the streets of his local town of Bristol in the UK – and the results are excellent.

The language can be colourful

carlike Source: Daniel Mehmet

And the methods go beyond the regular note

beware Source: Daneil Mehmet

Daniel told Mashable why he started the project:

I love how sarcastic the note-leavers are. The vast majority start and end with ‘please’ and ‘thank you,’ but sandwich some pretty colourful language between.

And he has come across some NSFW material

pedestrian Source: Daneil Mehmet

So many passive aggressive notes

blockpavement Source: Daniel Mehmet

“You have parked so badly – making it very difficult for me to get my car out. Were you drunk? You are certainly very selfish & inconsiderate. S. Banks.”

selfish Source: Daneil Mehmet

That’s almost polite.

“Thank you for leaving me enough space to get to my boot.”

FingerScrawled Source: Daniel Mehmet

And you can just about make out what’s scrawled on the window.

Keep up the good work, Daniel.

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About the author:

David Elkin

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