Dublin: 9 °C Tuesday 4 March, 2025

Pat Kenny wouldn't stop talking about ghee on his radio show this morning

Smell her ghee Pat.

PAT KENNY SCANDALISED the nation today by having a chat to a woman about her ghee.

Sunday Independent columnist and cookbook writer Susan Jane White appeared on his Newstalk radio show today.

Ghee, of course, is a Middle Eastern sister of butter, rich in vitamins A and D. It’s popular among celebrities like Kourtney Kardashian, and gaining prominence in Ireland.


But take out the H, and you’ve got a completely different word in Ireland

Pat and Sarah had a great little discussion about it on the radio this morning, and it’s actually gas

What’s ghee? How do you use your ghee? Smell my ghee? It’s so tasty.


People were scandalised

Listen to the full thing here

This super-cut from the Eoghan McDermott show on 2fm sums it up nicely.

Click here if you can’t see the video.

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