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10 of the most patronising Irish phrases

Please, no more.

IN IRELAND, WE certainly have a way with words – so much so that our unique phrases are beloved across the land.

But sometimes a phrase can come across as *slightly* patronising – and fills you with a certain distinctive rage. So, brace yourself for these:

10. “Good man yourself”

House's+annoyed+face Source: BlogSpot

Bonus points if it comes with an unnecessary slap on the back.

9. “Ah, you’re a big man now”

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Accompanied with a nice elbow to the ribs. Even though you’re a fully grown adult, this will get thrown out to you when you’re back in the local all the time.

8. “You look great, I’d barely recognise you”

Naomi_annoyed Source: Nocookie

Ah, here.

7. “You’d best get your skates on”

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Oh, really? You don’t have a more annoying way of saying I should hurry?

6. “There you are now!”

Annoyed Source: BlogSpot

Please, no. It just implies that we’re really late or that you’re hardly enthused by our presence.

5. “You’re a grand girl”

sandra-bullock-6 Source: Celebuzz

Also to be included in this category “good girl yourself.”

Usually met with a deserved look of bemusement and annoyance by the unlucky recipient.

4. “I will yeah”

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Everyone knows this means they won’t. Usually it’s in response to a simple enough request, and a straight no would be far less patronising.

3. “Ah sure you tried your best”

Bill___Angry_Face_by_Oranjes Source: deviantART

It’s the tone that gets you here. The sentiment is friendly but no, it still grates.

Every time.

2. “Sure listen, pet”

taylor-swift-reaction-face-8 Source: J-14


*rage intensifies*

1. “You scrub up well”

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Which just leaves you wondering what you look like normally.

Still, there’s always the chance that they’re all being said to you ironically?

*clutches straws*

More A Definitive Ranking Of Irish Ways To End A Conversation>

More 10 Irish slang words that need to be added to the dictionary right now>

About the author:

David Elkin

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