1. This person who couldn’t choose a space
2. This cyclist on a wet day
3. This person with great inner stength
4. This it-could-happen-to-anyone victim
5. These two guys who just finished up a big loading job
6. This mug lover
7. This girl who needed a chair, so she built one from IKEA
8. This kid, who woke up today like it was any other perfectly normal day
9. This girl, owner of the world’s worst friends
10. This person with a delicious bowl of pasta and meatballs
11. This guy who thought he would casually impress his lady friend
12. The anatomically-challenged authors of this kids’ counting book, when they realised
13. This birthday girl
14. This girl who wore the wrong shirt on picture day
15. These professional athletes
16. This inexplicable home baker
17. The driver of this ‘We Fit’ truck
18. And this girl