Dublin: 8 °C Monday 10 March, 2025

8 people you definitely won't miss on the bus today

Walking aint so bad.

DUBLIN BUS DRIVERS are striking today, which means no bus for you.

While you’ll miss the ride in, here’s what you won’t.

1. The bus stop chatter

There’s always one. Sure, they mean well, but it’s far too early to be hearing your opinion on Syria mate. * Puts in headphones*

2. The coin fiddler

You’ve been waiting together for what seems like years for the bus to come. When it eventually does, the person who has pushed themselves up to the front uses the opening doors as a cue to open their purse and start fiddling around with change. GET A LEAP.


3. The seat hogger

GET your bag off the seat.


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4. The personal space invader

Kind of the opposite of the seat hogger. These sit beside you when there are tons of free ones down the back of the bus. Don’t even get us started on those who stand over you like they’re about to fold in on you at any moment.

5. The eater

They’ve forgotten breakfast or lunch and now they’re making up for it with a roll slathered in tuna mayo, with extra onion.

6. The raver

No, we don’t actually want to hear your music blasted from your phone speakers. Thanks, though.

7. The loud speaker

OK, grand, you’re using your commute to catch up on some calls. Do you have to SHOUT though?

8. The primmer

Cutting toenails, cleaning ears, spraying any form of body spray, doing make-up… all things not to be done on the bus. Get up earlier.

This amazing Vine shows just how busy Hailo is today>

12 times people were the absolute worst on public transport>

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