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A guy found a picture of his girlfriend in playschool and realised they were in the same class

It only took them 16 years to realise.

LOOKING AT CHILDHOOD photos of each other is a rite of passage for every couple.

Over on Imgur, evanaka1234 posted up a photo he had found of his girlfriend in play school. He thought it was cute, but it contained a shocking revelation.

There is his girlfriend on the front left

imgurschool1 Source: imgur

Described lovingly as an “imp creature” he recognised her instantly, but it was the boy on the right that really caught his attention

imgurschool2 Source: imgur

Why? It was him. Turns out that the couple went to the same playschool and they never knew. As he describes here:

We group [grew] up a long ways away from each other, a few cities apart at least but it turned out that we somehow had gone to the same preschool. I freaked out and called my mom ( what else would you do in a situation like that) and sure enough she confirmed that it was me. We had both attended this same preschool when we were like 3 years old. Mildly interesting to say the least.

Certainly. And here they are together 16 years later

imgurschool3 Source: imgur

Yes, the world is sometimes that small.

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About the author:

David Elkin

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