LOOKING AT CHILDHOOD photos of each other is a rite of passage for every couple.
Over on Imgur, evanaka1234 posted up a photo he had found of his girlfriend in play school. He thought it was cute, but it contained a shocking revelation.
There is his girlfriend on the front left
Described lovingly as an “imp creature” he recognised her instantly, but it was the boy on the right that really caught his attention
Why? It was him. Turns out that the couple went to the same playschool and they never knew. As he describes here:
We group [grew] up a long ways away from each other, a few cities apart at least but it turned out that we somehow had gone to the same preschool. I freaked out and called my mom ( what else would you do in a situation like that) and sure enough she confirmed that it was me. We had both attended this same preschool when we were like 3 years old. Mildly interesting to say the least.
Certainly. And here they are together 16 years later
Yes, the world is sometimes that small.