Be warned: If you don’t want to see a placenta, don’t scroll down.
YOU’RE PROBABLY AWARE that some (OK, a few) people like to eat the placenta after giving birth.
You may not have known that you can drink it in a smoothie.
Step forward Emma and Darragh, an Irish couple who feature on today’s The Morning Show on TV3.
Having just brought a new life in the world, they decide to put the organ that recently emerged from Emma’s womb into a blender, and drink it with fruit. Over to you, Darragh:
It’s apparently full of nutrients and hormones. Emma’s up for it and I’m supporting her.
They call in placenta smoothie specialist – yes, that’s a thing – Lorraine Duffy, who bleaches down the surfaces and whips out the placenta from its Tupperware in the fridge.
Here we go:
Step 1: Put the placenta in a saucepan and maul it about a bit
“It’s a good size anyway,” Lorraine remarks cheerfully.
Step 2: Make a ‘placenta print’
A keepsake which, she explains, many parents today like to hold on to. Whatever happened to tiny handprints?
Now, isn’t that lovely?
Step 3: Blend!
Lorraine slices out a segment of the placenta (“I felt around for a nice good fleshy piece [...] There’s no smell off it or anything like that”) and lobs it in the blender with some fruit.
The blenders are only used once and then discarded for hygiene reasons. Here’s how it looks:
Step 4: Drink
Darragh is first to try the concoction.
He’s non-committal. Says it tastes like a smoothie, then adds:
I’ve just drank a part of something that was my child and my girlfriend.
Darragh seems vaguely troubled, as is only reasonable. Then it’s off to the hospital with the smoothie in yet more Tupperware so Emma can get it down her.
For some reason the smoothie seems to have turned a slightly browner colour in transit:
All images: TV3′s The Morning Show
The verdict? “It tastes like a smoothie.”
And that, dear readers, is how you make a placenta smoothie. Here’s the video if you want to relive the process: