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Swedish university displays plaque where Obama went to the loo

Never forget.

Image: Imgur via Reddit

IT WAS A big moment, in fairness.

A Swedish university have erected a commemorative plaque over the toilet that U.S. president Barack Obama is said to have sat on during his visit there.

Obama stopped over for a 24-hour visit to Sweden on Wednesday as part of a 3-day trip abroad.

According to USA Today, the president stayed in Stockholm, with activities including dinner with Nordic leaders, meeting the country’s royalty and visiting Sweden’s “premier technical university”, the KTH.

While hearing more about the KTH Royal Institute of Technology’s renewable energy research, natured called. But it wasn’t about to be forgotten.

Reddit user Caress-a-Llama spotted an unusual addition to the toilet yesterday–a plaque which someone in the university had promptly displayed to mark the occasion.

According to the KTH website, the president was only there for about 30 minutes. Take from that what you will.

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