Dublin: 7 °C Wednesday 12 March, 2025

This animal shelter is using Pokémon Go players to walk its dogs

What a brilliant idea.

ONE ENTERPRISING ANIMAL shelter in the States is using the new Pokémon Go craze to get its animals out walking.

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The Muncie Animal Shelter in Indiana put a sign on Facebook earlier in the week, expecting maybe one or two people who were already out walking to take a dog with them.

They weren’t expecting a massive influx of dog walkers

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Director Phil Peckinpaugh told Upworthy that he got the idea when out walking with his daughter and she started playing the game.

He said he couldn’t believe the response, there were even queues out the door.

People began tweeting their new pup friends hunting with them

Look how happy they are!

Others just posted about how the game has brought them and their pets closer together


More of this, please.

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