DOING AWKWARD PHOTO shoots is all part of the job as a politician – but sometimes they take it to the next level and into cringe.
They can’t help it – putting themselves into situations that they think will make them look like serious craic, but often does the exact opposite:
1. Paschal Donohue looking incredibly awkward in a cowboy hat
We know he can’t play that guitar as well.
2. A suit is hardly proper attire for boxing
“He’ll work up quite a sweat!”
Oh wait, it’s a completely fake fight staged for the cameras. Gas, though.
3. This dance move to end all dance moves
"I get down with the kids."
4. Trying on various types of shoes to be GAS
Any excuse for a photo op.
5. The boxing headgear and suit combo is set to come back in for A/W 2015
6. Politicians dancing in public should be banned
7. It will never, ever end well
Especially when everyone else around you has their moves coordinated.
8. That ball is not within Leo's control
Everyone else there is balancing it just fine.
9. Word up to all my Mayo peeps
#selfie #nofilter #bossman
10. Serious craic to be had here
What if he was left hanging? The shame that would have brought. A risky high five.
12. We do not know if this was a success
13. And finally, the majesty of our Taoiseach chasing a goose
For reasons related to being gas, no doubt.