SCOTTISH ACTOR JAMES MCAVOY has this week become the latest in a list of performers to react angrily to mobile phones being used during a show.
The actor halted a performance of Macbeth in London’s West End earlier in the week after spotting an audience member filming proceedings with their mobile phone – asking them to stop.
Also this week, US band Yeah Yeah Yeahs launched a ‘pre-emptive strike’ by posting a notice at the door of their New York gig asking fans not to watch the show through their screens, as ”a courtesy to the person behind you” as a well as the performers.
Proponents argue they should be allowed to film shows to which they have paid entry if they wish, while critics insist the illuminated screens are distracting to fellow audience members and performers.
We’d like to know what you think: is filming a performance on your mobile phone acceptable?