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'The Poo Man' is terrorising a Swedish town by invading people's toilets

“Without flushing.”

Image: Shutterstock

A MYSTERY PERSON has a Swedish town on high alert, after breaking into a series of apartments and pooing in their toilets.

Nicknamed Bajsmannen – ‘The Poo Man’ – the suspect has invaded at least four households’ bathrooms in the central town of Mariestad since early summer, according to Aftonbladet. Some have been hit several times.

Generally nothing is stolen. The Poo Man simply leaves a large Number Two in the toilet, then leaves.

TheLocal.se reports that the cases first came to prominence when it was featured on a TV crime show, whose host explained:

A man or woman has repeatedly made their way into people’s apartments and done their business in the toilet. Without flushing, we should add.

Victim Markus Andersson told Expressen.se his ordeal began earlier this year when he returned from work to find someone had left a deposit in the toilet.

“I scolded my partner first, but it was not her,” he said. “Someone had walked in, sat down and shit and then walked away.”

Source: Shutterstock

The problems ceased when they changed the locks. Andersson’s neighbours had had similar issues, he said.

Meanwhile, The Poo Man remains at large. TheLocal.se has this further insight:

An anonymous caller to The Local explained that the suspect could be “the legendary poop man” who hits music festivals around the country, covering himself in human excrement from the festivals’ portable toilets. The caller’s claims remain unconfirmed.

More: 7 tips for a peaceful poo at work> 

About the author:

Michael Freeman

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