THE SUMMER IS here and the primary schools aren’t far from wrapping up for another year.
So, it’s a perfect time to salute those primary school teachers out there. It’s a messy job, but someone’s got to do it – and it looks something like this:
1. Your hands will look like this 40% of the time
Ink, paint, goo, dirt. Anything can and will find its way on to those poor hands of yours.
2. You have perfected the Teacher Eye
You know when to use it and how effective it can be. The Teacher Eye can be defined as that authoritative stare that lets everyone know who the boss is. Using it on a daily basis just comes with the territory.
3. Intercepting adorable notes is part of everyday life
Sometimes, though, not so adorable ones also get passed.
4. Lunch can be a very rushed affair
5. Spending your weekends correcting and lesson planning makes you want to do this
Every. Single. Time.
6. And people will mention the summer holidays… all year round
Refer them back to point 5.
7. You are constantly amazed at the creative answers you get given
8. And the end of year presents are usually perfect
9. Your desk looks a little something like this
10. Watching on as the playground is a sea of manic activity
How do they have the energy?
11. Stationery is your life
And you love a good quality pen.
12. And finally, summer holidays be calling you like
It’s nearly time.