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6 ways Prince George is exactly the same as your children

Chewing, snotting, crying…

PRINCE GEORGE IS in New Zealand with his mam and dad as part of an official visit.

This is the first time the baby has been extensively photographed, and it’s reassuring to know that he’s not yet drinking from a teacup or wearing a crown.

In fact, he’s just like your kids…

1. He chews your hair and wipes his nose in it

She probably has some puke down the back of her dress.

Royal visit to Australia and NZ - Day 3 Source: Ian Vogler

2. He chews everything you own, actually

Definitely some puke. And drool.

Royal visit to Australia and NZ - Day 3 Source: PA Wire/Press Association Images

3. He doesn’t understand why other children are crying when he’s just trying to be friendly

You can just imagine the conversation that’s going on here:

Lady in blue: “Ah she’s just tired, she’s usually in great form”

Kate*: “Sure don’t I know? He’s in a great mood after a sleep”

*secretly delighted that for once it’s not her baby that’s crying

Royal visit to Australia and NZ - Day 3 Source: Ian Vogler

Royal visit to Australia and NZ - Day 3 Source: Ian Vogler

4. He embarrasses you by being unimpressed by gifts people give him

“Oh look at that George! Wasn’t it nice of the lady to get that for you*?”


Royal visit to Australia and NZ - Day 3 Source: PA Wire/Press Association Images

5. He threatens to throw everything he lays his hands on

Food, toys, keys… everything.

Royal visit to Australia and NZ - Day 3 Source: Ian Vogler

6. He has this lovely nanny

Oh. Just five ways then.

Royal visit to Australia and NZ - Day 3 Source: Ian Vogler

15 things nobody tells you about having kids> 

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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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