Dublin: 11 °C Friday 7 March, 2025

Two lads are driving a Crackbird dinner from Dublin to Derry for Professor Green

Now THAT’S dedication.

Source: David Jensen/PA/Crackbird

RAPPER AND SOCIALITE-marry-er Professor Green is playing a gig in Derry tonight. So he was faced with the dilemma of what to have for dinner.

He put a call out on Twitter to see if anyone would bring him a slap-up meal from Crackbird fried chicken in Dublin.

Amazingly, two likely lads by the names of Dave and Rory stepped up.

So the Professor put in his order…

… and shortly afterwards, it was in the car.

The lads were only delighted to help out.

Mmm… chicken.

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About the author:

Michael Freeman

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