Dublin: 8 °C Saturday 22 February, 2025

12 signs that prove Irish pubs are the wisest in the world

So much wisdom.


1. They know their true function

LjhlWvC Source: Imgur via Ludop0lis

2. And that beer is actually healthy

3. Getting around ‘rules’ is a doddle

KNn0pto Source: Imgur via SLO_Chemist

4. They know what customers want

xAnLgQFTSQGK_K9E_ZJSbbUuaqZ0nLi4leorEQZgn-4 Source: Redditmedia

5. And how to entice them in

7adsWwm Source: Imgur

6. For sure

tG480IU Source: Imgur

7. They display their best offerings

kDuN8aw Source: Imgur

8. And finest facilities

9. They know a bit of flattery goes a long way

hT5ePNs Source: Imgur

10. Basically, you’re an eejit if you don’t fall for them

original Source: The Porterhouse

11. Because they know what’s best for you

11902337_10153582257488934_3359150154975133131_n Source: The Blue Note Galway

12. And how to bring you back down to earth

SEswscP Source: Imgur

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