Dublin: 0 °C Saturday 15 March, 2025

Cute three-month-old puppy drives owner's car into lake

Not so cute now, eh?

AFTER GOING FOR a walk, a German shepherd puppy decided to go for a drive — straight into a lake.

John Costello told WFXT-TV that his 12-week-old puppy, Rosie, was so excited last Sunday after going for a walk at Bolivar Pond in Canton, Massachusetts that she jumped in his running car, hit the gear stick and shifted into drive.

She then fell onto the accelerator and sent the car careening into the water.

A couple of passers-by saw the commotion and helped Costello rescue Rosie. Nobody was injured, but Costello says the Dodge Neon is a total loss.

The 911 call surprised even police. Officer Robert Quirk, who tweeted several photos of the incident, told the AP he has never heard of a dog driving into a pond.

Here’s Rosie:

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About the author:

Associated Foreign Press

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