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A library is sharing stupid questions people asked them before Google existed

Tough times.

THANK GOD GOOGLE exists. How else would we ask all those embarrassing or weird questions at the click of a mouse or the tap of a screen?

Library Bookshelf Source: twechy

Back in the day, people had to use libraries.


They still had the same silly questions though.

The New York Public Library shares some of the questions they were asked during the 40s, 50s and 60s and some of them certainly sound like they wouldn’t be out of place on Yahoo questions.

1. Material on the psychology and behaviour of sea-lions


2. How many grains in a ton of wheat?

Let us count.

The questions were found in 2014, with NYPL’s information architect Morgan Holzer telling Mental Floss that a simple Google of a question wasn’t an option:

You had to find an encyclopaedia, which were expensive, so you would go to your library. And if you were at the library and didn’t want to find an encyclopaedia, there’s a person standing right there who you could just ask and who had been trained to either give you an answer or tell you where to find an answer.

3. At what time is high noon?


4. How are these all linked?

5. What was the origin of bedsheets?


6. Who said it was an apple?

7. Someone’s concerned

8. Life cycle of an eye-brow hair

9. Is a black widow spider more harmful dead or alive?

10. People liked to share their dreams in the forties too

No, it’s not exclusive to Twitter.

11. Uncle Dudley is gonna make you SICK once he gets his reply

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