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9 questions Irish women need answers to immediately

Like now.

1. How have they not sorted out the smell of fake tan in this day and age?

“What do gals like to smell like?”

“A mixture of curry chips and biscuits, I find.”

“Grand so.”

2. How in God’s name are there still columns like this being written in the 21st century?

hows Source: Irish Independent

3. And how is the word ‘feminazi’ still being tossed around the place?

fe Source: Herald

Context: conservative commentator Rush Limbaugh popularised the term ‘feminazi’ in the early 1990s.

This is how he defined it at the time.

A feminazi is a woman to whom the most important thing in life is seeing to it that as many abortions as possible are performed


Limbaugh is known for his controversial statements. He once suggested that it was time for the Obamas to get over slavery. On another occasion, he mocked the notion of sexual consent.

Next time you toss the word around ‘feminazi’ around, maybe think twice about what values you’re aligning yourself with.

4. Why doesn’t Penneys have an online store?

It’s probably for the best that they don’t. (After all we don’t need anything else to fuel our Penneys addiction.) But still. Don’t they realise they could make a fortune?

5. When are shops going to stop making jumpers/sweatshirts that have holes in the shoulders once and for all?

That defeats the whole purpose of the jumper!!!!!!!

oles Source: ASOS

6. Why are Irish lads so goddamn predictable?

7. Why does Eight Hour Cream smell like a literal farm?

It’s very good and all, but holy moly, the smell is overpowering.

CRriM6FUEAAjs2w Source: beauteous_you/Twitter

8. Why does the Rose of Tralee still require contestants to be unmarried?

Fact: Rose of Tralee organisers only allowed single mothers to enter in 2008. Yikes, lads.

ggha Source: Rose of Tralee

9. Why does the time travel smear test ad give everyone the heebie-jeebies?


cervla Source: YouTube

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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