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How Well Do You Know The Snapper?

Do you know your Burgesses from your Curleys?

(First published August 2014)

1. What are the names of the three girls Sharon goes to the pub with?
Jackie, Claire, Siobhán
Jackie, Yvonne, Mary

Brenda, Mary, Sinéad
Yvonne, Martina, Sarah
2. What cycling club is Darren in?
Barrytown Wheelers
Barrytown Harriers

Barrytown Wheelies
Barrytown Racers
3. Which of these is the correct quote?

4. Where did Mr Burgess get the paper for the letter he wrote to his wife?
From his sister
From his mam

From his aunt
From Sharon
5. Who did Tara O'Neill have her baby for?
Paddy Bell
A Spanish sailor

Jimmy Rabbitte
Craig Burgess
6. How much money does Mr Burgess give Sharon in the sitting room?

7. Which of these songs does NOT appear in the film?
Do Not Forsake Me, O My Darling
Tie A Yellow Ribbon

Papa Don't Preach
I Will Always Love You
8. What kind of sandwiches does Dessie bring to the Garda station for Craig?

9. Which of these is a good sized baby, but a small turkey?
10. Complete the Georgie Burgess quote

11. Which radio DJ is the dog named after?
Tony Fenton
Larry Gogan

Marty Whelan
Simon Young
12. Who gives Doris Burgess a terrible clatter?
Sharon Curley
Kay Curley

Craig Curley
Yvonne Burgess
Answer all the questions to see your result!
You scored out of !
You got five out of twelve... you're The Spanish Sailor
You could have done better but sure you've been away at sea. Olé!
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You got zero out of twelve... you're Baby Georgina
Sure you're only a snapper yourself. Don't beat yourself up about it.
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You scored out of !
You got ten out of twelve...you're Sharon Curley
A1 Sharon. You know your snapper inside out.
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You scored out of !
You got eight out of twelve... you're Georgie Burgess
You know Sharon Curley and The Snapper fairly well. Sure you kept a hoult of her knickers. Snip snip.
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You scored out of !
You got one out of twelve... you're Baby Georgina
Sure you're only a snapper yourself. Don't beat yourself up about it.
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You got two out of twelve... you're Baby Georgina
Sure you're only a snapper yourself. Don't beat yourself up about it.
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You scored out of !
You got three out of twelve... you're Baby Georgina
Sure you're only a snapper yourself. Don't beat yourself up.
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You scored out of !
You got four out of twelve... you're The Spanish Sailor
You could have done better but sure you've been away at sea. Olé!
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You scored out of !
You got six out of twelve... you're The Spanish Sailor
You could have done better but sure you've been away at sea. Olé!
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You scored out of !
You got seven out of twelve... you're The Spanish Sailor
You could have done better but sure you've been away at sea. Olé!
Share your result:
You scored out of !
You got nine out of twelve, you're Georgie Burgess
You know Sharon Curley and The Snapper fairly well. Sure you kept a hoult of her knickers. Snip snip.
Share your result:
You scored out of !
You got eleven out of twelve...you're Sharon Curley
A1 Sharon. You know your snapper inside out.
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You scored out of !
You got twelve out of twelve...you're Sharon Curley
A1 Sharon. You know your snapper inside out.
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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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