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A Friends superfan just noticed that they slyly switched Rachel in an episode

She’ll be there for you… until she’s busy. Then you can have a stand in.

THE WEB HAS made an interesting discovery today.

Rachel-Green-Friends-GIFs Source: WB

In a season nine episode of Friends, The One With the Mugging, Jennifer Aniston was constantly replaced with a stand-in.

In one instance, she wasn’t even wearing the same outfit:



The error was spotted by fan Jordan D’Amico, who wrote on RecentlyHeard.com that the news had shaken him to his core.

It’s no secret that many TV shows use stand-ins during filming, especially when they need to reshoot a particular part of the scene or when they focus on shooting one actors lines before switching to the other. But, for some reason, seeing this girl, likely a staff or crew member, has shaken me to my very core. What’s real and what isn’t? How many times are our “Friends” actually talking to someone else?

The plot thickens.

Of course, it’s not the first or only time this has been the case in the show.


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19 things that would happen if Friends was set in Dublin>

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