REMEMBER THAT TIME in Friends when Rachel mixed up recipes for shepherd’s pie and English trifle, and got this meat monstrosity?
Well brave soul Neil Killham decided to make the trifle for real, and chronicled the ‘journey’ on Twitter. First, he picked up all the ingredients necessary for such a dish:
So what have we got here… Jam, custard, madelines, bananas, raspberries, and some cream. Oh yes – and canned peas, onions, and minced lamb.
Here was the finished product, which admittedly looks quite tasty from the outside.
But then you see the inside, and all that changes.
Killham said that unlike Rachel’s trifle, his “did not taste like feet” – but it didn’t taste particularly good either.
This is probably a fair visual representation of the taste:
Thank you, Neil, for confirming what we already suspected: Meat trifle is disgusting. We salute you.