RAY D’ARCY HAS announced his big return to Montrose after 14 years at Today FM.
He’ll tackle a range of radio and TV projects, but will they live up to what he’s already achieved?
Things like…
12. His dad dancing
Consistent and often.
11. When he taught us all how to drive
Yes, he went through a driving test with us all, like some kind of damn superhero.
Why? Don’t don’t question it.
10. This astounding lip-sync to Nothing Compares To You
9. Line dancing on The Den
8. Abseiling down Hook lighthouse, while live on air
7. When he danced INTO his trousers
But did he make it?
6. His ice bucket challenge
Broadcast on the Rose of Tralee. Well, he stepped up, and from his holidays and everything!
Special mention to his #MenWithMakeupSelfie
5. When he let everyone pelt him with water balloons, all in the name of breaking a record
4. Bringing the magical Blackboard Jungle to life
Some* called it the Irish university challenge, and he, the Jeremy Paxman.
*we did, just now.
3. Christmas Crisis
The Den Christmas special from 1992 was engrained in the minds of every Irish 80s kid. Lucky for us, some hero has uploaded it all to YouTube.
2. Shave or Dye
Ray is a massive running force in the charity drive every year, always shaving, dying, or… waxing.
1. Interviewing Mary Robinson on The Den
Obviously number one. Irish society peaked when Dustin suggested our president had smelly feet.