TODAY FM HAS announced that Ray D’Arcy is to leave the station for RTÉ.
In a statement today, the station said that the presenter, who attracts 220,000 listeners daily, will leave immediately.
D’Arcy will take over the slot vacated by Derek Mooney from 3pm on weekdays from 2 February. He will begin work on television projects in 2015.
Alison Curtis will take over the slot for “the foreseeable future”.
“While Ray established his name on TV originally, it was through his daily Today FM show that he built up a strong following across the country,” the station said in a statement.
Speaking about the move Today FM chief executive, Peter McPartlin, said: “We are disappointed to lose Ray from our great line-up of talent.
I understand from Ray that at this time in his career he wishes to work on television again with the State Broadcaster.
“I want to thank him for his great contribution and wish him and his family well with his new venture. We move on as a station and begin the process of establishing another great show on Today FM.”
D’Arcy said he is looking forward to starting again with the station where he made his name, in early 2015.
“I’m really looking forward to joining RTÉ in 2015. I’m excited about the upcoming challenges in both radio and television. To be honest, it feels a little bit like coming home.”
Head of RTÉ Radio 1, Tom McGuire said:
“It’s great to welcome Ray D’Arcy back to RTÉ and I look forward to him being at the heart of our afternoon schedule on Radio 1. I know that Ray will take the torch from Liveline and it will shine brightly for our audience right through to 4.30. As a broadcaster, his programme has been one of the top performers in the country and I know that listeners to Radio 1 and Ray D’Arcy will really enjoy the latest addition to an exciting RTÉ Radio 1 schedule in 2015.”
Originally published at 19.25