Dublin: 5 °C Tuesday 4 March, 2025

8 of the best reactions to Dublin's 'raucous' seagull hysteria

The gulls have gone wild.

SEAGULLS HAVE LOST the run of themselves. We know it.

Now, after senator Ned O’Sullivan called for the Minister for Environment to take action against seagulls in Dublin who he says are stealing children’s lollipops, we’re losing the run of ourselves too.

1. A poignant reflection

2. Gullsongs became a thing

3. We tried to win

10565247_10152205670627341_5399845092252138627_n Source: Toners Pub

4. But we can’t

5. They’re gaining traction

6. We must fight back


Containing gems such as:

“I’m sick of having seagulls lifestyles rammed down my throat, why can’t they keep it to themselves like?”

10492261_10152692016831833_1049057565748045374_n Source: David Cleary

“We cannot, and shall not stand idly by while these winged menaces fly freely through our streets, towns and cities terrorising who they please. We must take action, they grow yet more brazen by the day.”

10394645_10152566267120915_24218512776483669_n Source: Sean Cooper

“A seagull just flew up to me and said in a very salacious way “wait till u see my beak” !!!!!”

10462454_10152112523726741_8506761278993342960_n Source: Cian Moose

7. With this petition for change, which you must sign immediately

Sign the petition here. As one signer put it, “What could be more important than this?”


8. Or just hold out for a hero

A senator wants something done about ‘raucous seagulls stealing children’s lollipops’>

Here’s the proof that seagulls are the devil incarnate>

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