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8 reasons why A.C Slater was way cooler than Zach Morris

Living in the side-kick shadows aint fun.

MARIO LOPEZ AKA Slater from Saved By the Bell turns 40 today. 40! The big four-oh.

Wow, you’re really old, aren’t you?

Here’s a few reasons why A.C. (Albert Clifford) Slater was cooler than Zach, and definitely the 90s boy of our dreams.

1. He was by far the strongest of the gang

M0rMf Source: Imgur

2. He was really athletic

3p8FI Source: Imgur

3. He could move like no other

tinypic photo Source: TinyPic

4. AND looked well in a leotard…

slater-spins Source: Skeenation

5. He passed drivers ed like it aint nothin’

animated Source: Dumbbaby

6. Em, he can do the splits?

tumblr_mhq824gSDW1qiummuo1_500 Source: Tumblr

7. He was SO above Zach’s childish pranks

K3uYr Source: Imgur

8. And was well able to take him in a fight

D2hpf Source: Imgur

Yep, we’re definitely Team Slater.

PHOTOS: What the Saved By The Bell cast look like now>

PLAY: A ludicrously addictive 8-bit Saved by the Bell game on YouTube>

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