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9 memories of Redz everyone who was ever there will instantly recognise

One of Dublin’s most iconic questionable nightclubs.

redz-club-dublin Source: Clubdesignireland

IF YOU HAPPENED to go to college in Dublin between the years 2005 and 2011, you more than likely heard of/came across/went out in a nightclub called Redz.

It was an interesting place:

1. The queue was always down the road

D’Olier Street looked something like:

trafiq-queue Source: Wordpress

You could see it from a mile away. The mad rush to get into Redz on a Monday was a guarantee.

2. The little area when you came in the front door was tiny

Now, in brighter, happier times:

vikingfb Source: Facebook

It had one table and a full bar for some bizarre reason.

3. Until you went downstairs to the basement, which felt even smaller

It was like this, except about 100 times smaller:

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4. Monday nights were even more wedged than usual

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5. Because Redz’s drink offers were silly

Attracting all the students just up to college like:

giphy Source: Giphy

6. The roof was worryingly low in the basement area

Apothecary Hall - National Botanic Garden of Wales - sign - Caution Mind your head Source: ell brown

Especially for the taller people.

7. And the general temperature down there was beyond most people

tumblr_inline_mq53pkrich1qz4rgp Source: Wordpress

And beyond dancing. It was a nightclub/sauna.

8. It wasn’t helped by the amount of people crowding the dancefloor

crowd-gif Source: Wordpress

9. And the bar was always clogged with people doing jagerbombs

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The connoisseurs’ choice. You weren’t going to be drinking anything else in Redz.

Now that they are going to be opening up a new place where Redz used to be, people can just console themselves with these fine memories.

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About the author:

David Elkin

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