Dublin: 1 °C Thursday 27 February, 2025

These people are ruining regifting for everyone and must be stopped

Come ON, guys.

TIS THE SEASON to regift the rubbish presents you got for Christmas.

But you know what? Some people go too far. And they’re spoiling it for everyone.

1. This dad who knows how to keep the flame alive

2. This person who doesn’t even care anymore

3. This dangerous lunatic who must be stopped

4. This aunt who cares not for pickles

5. The grandma who not only regifted, but called afterwards to make her point clear

6. This gift-giver flirting with disaster

7. This mum pushing the boundaries of regifting science

8. This family who need to take a long hard look at themselves

9. And this aunt who quite simply DGAF

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About the author:

Michael Freeman

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