JUST WHEN YOU though all Irish heart-throbs were going to stick together, Ireland international Rob Kearney goes and sticks the knife in Niall Horan.
Back in the spring, you may remember Kearney wading in to defend the One Direction, eh… lad, after he become embroiled in a Twitter spat with Welsh scrum-half Mike Phillips (how could you forget? Here, it’s all in here!)
Well anyway, all that back-having is but a distant memory after Leinster sent a (loose-fitting) jersey all the way to St Louis to keep the Mullingar man warm at night.
Then came the Kearney-slam!
Oooh! Whaddya say to than then, Horan? Huh?
Let’s see. 19 thousand-ish retweets versus Kearney’s 235… we’ll call this one a draw.