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Robert Pattinson hates Twilight, and here's the hard evidence

It’s his birthday, and making you aware of this is our gift to him.

THE LAST FIVE years have been pretty incredible for Robert Pattinson.

He’s gone from being a relatively small time English actor to being a man whose name is recognised the world over.  He has one thing to thank for that, of course.

The Twilight saga.

The thing is, he hates it, and it would seem he wants everyone to know it.  As today is his birthday, we thought we’d do him a favour and share this fact with you.

Here are six things which prove Robert Pattinson hates Twilight.

1.  He hates his character

His Dislike of His Own Character.


2.  He thinks the books don't make any sense

3.  He is literally making fun of his own movie in the film's DVD commentary

YouTube/Katelyn Schneider

4.  He doesn't bother to figure out what the films are about

5.  And when he does he speaks about the plot with disdain

6.  Finally, he essentially says that the hates it in interviews


We kind of like him a lot more after all of that?  Do you?

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