SPARE A THOUGHT for the kids today. You had it easy.
1. Sitting through school was torture
WHERE WERE THEY? WHAT WERE THEY THINKING? Now you can just scroll through your phone and find out.
2. A mix tape was the most romantic gesture of all
Now it’s all mp3 transfer and YouTube links. NOT the same.
3. They’ll never know the beauty of receiving a love letter
Now it’s all texts and dick pics.
4. Tinder was traded for good old fashioned face-to-face interaction
It may have been scary, but it was simpler.
5. Your only chance of getting in contact with them at a sleepover was looking them up in the phone book
… and prank calling them. Now you can just message them on 1,090,980 social media platform.
6. When someone became your ex, that was it
There was no way to keep up to date with their every move, outside of legit stalking them.
7. The feeling of missing them after a date
You can now immediately talk mundane shite after you just saw them, while years ago you’d have to wait until you knocked over to their house or saw them in school.
Hey what u up to? Nuthin much, u?
8. Know nothing about someone before you met them
What a beautiful and freeing feeling that must’ve been…
9. A drunk, a dodgy phonecall was the most you could mortify yourself with
At least you couldn’t hear it back. Now you have to deal with the outbox of shame every weekend.
10. People actually went on dates and DIDN’T take selfies
How were relationships ever official before you changed the relationship status? Were you guys really
11. Proposals were private event
Yes, there was a time when proposals were just between two people. Imagine? If a proposal happened and wasn’t posted on Youtube, did it really happen at all?