WELL, IT WAS wild first night at this year’s Rose of Tralee. We were down in the Dome documenting it all over on Instagram, but in case you missed anything, here are the wildest moments so far.
1. The Westmeath Rose Leanne Quinn squatted Daithí
And they both lived to tell the tale.
2. The New York Rose Sarah Wood took Daithí’s blood pressure as her talent
3. The New Zealand Rose Jolene McLaughlin greeted Daithí with a traditional, eskimo kiss?
4. The Abu Dhabi Rose Sara Kate Mangan was played on to the Aladdin theme tune
5. And she also dressed Daithí up in a traditional headdress
He tried to keep presenting with it on, but LOL.
6. Leitrim Rose Imelda Scally showed off her er, napkin folding talent
7. Daithí gave the Toronto Rose Carly McGrath a hot water bottle with his face on it, for some reason
8. The Toronto Rose then tried to break Daithí’s arm I think
9. The Waterford Rose Kirsten Mate Maher had a banner from her pet
10. The Laois Rose Grainne Hogan and Daithí milked a plastic cow while the Glenroe music played in the background
Because, why not?
11. The Arizona Rose Kelsey Kelleher and Daithí had a race to dress a doll
Daithí deserves whatever he is getting paid.
12. The Newfoundland and Labrador Rose Bridgette Abbot danced with a stick
No idea. Don’t even want to know.
What on earth do we have in store tomorrow?